Market Linkage -Agmart : Agri Market Analysis & Trade Facilitation Service

Market Linkage with Harvesting Calendar

  • India have 2500+ APMC Markets in various agro-climatic zones, some receive surplus & some receive short supply of commodities depending on season, which create price difference between markets.
  • Harvesting Calendar is a ‘Crop Centric Platform’ and ‘Market Centric Solution’ for APMC Markets, Traders, Commission agents or Aggregators to display pre-harvest crop information of their clients(farmers) to their customers(buyers) and enable pre-harvest booking.
  • AgMart help farmers & buyers compare markets based on seasonal price variations& connect them to traders & commission agents of respective APMC markets for win-win deals
  • Our platform enable intermarket trading between surplus & deficit regions for balanced distribution of commodities, which is necessary for controlling price volatility.