Market Intelligence -Agmart : Agri Market Analysis & Trade Facilitation Service

Market Intelligence

Market Intelligence is an important exercise for farmers to take informed decisions before selling their crop. Thankfully, APMC Markets which facilitate auctions to ensure better ‘price discovery’ are treasure trove of market intelligence and backbone of India’s agricultural supply-chain.

'AgMart Mandi Rates' app has beenproviding daily post-market reports since 2018 to keep farmers updated with latest market wise commodity rates and arrivals, which can be analyzed to explore ‘price advantage’ at alternative markets.
Over the years, AgMart evolved as a ‘Platform for Agri Markets’ which collect post-market data reported by APMCs and perform data analysis with artificial intelligence tools to extract comprehensive and meaningful insights like…

  • Overview of Reported Markets, Arrival Volume & Turnover Across Multiple Markets
  • Comparison of Price Difference Between Alternative Markets
  • Understanding Influence of Arrival Volume on Market Rate
  • Historical Charts for last 3 years
  • State wise Ranking on Performance of APMC Markets
  • Punctuality of APMC Markets in Submitting Price Reports